Deck: Angel Tarot Cards
Authors: Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine.
Artwork © Steve Roberts –
Photographer: Tristen Churn, thank you.

Angels consist of your personal Guardian Angels and the Archangels who are powerful messengers and healers of the Divine. Your personal Guardian Angels and the Archangels are always available to help you with your life. They are so good at helping you when you simply ask for, believe in and graciously receive their guidance. In general, Angels will not interfere with your life without your permission and they will never intervene your freedom of choice.

Angel Tarot Card Reading offers you an alternative view to tap into the understanding of yourself, clarification of decisions and wisdom of handling everyday problems. Angel Tarot deck is a very powerful and useful tool to help you reflect upon your emotions and thoughts, as well as providing illumination and broader understanding into your life aspects.

In this session, you will expect to receive loving guidance and healing insights from the Angels as they speak from the space of love and compassion. Please keep an open mind to recognise and learn potentials and possibilities that may happen in the flow of your life. Trust that when you are drawn towards this reading session, it happens for a reason on the unfolding of your beautiful life path.

Your life will not be the same once you discover their ultimate guidance!

Available both ONLINE & FACE-TO-FACE:
Please follow your heart to book this online one-on-one consultation based on the time slot availability by sending a text to us via this link:

[Book your consultation now!]


After securing your booking, we will furnish our local banking information to you for payment process. Do take note that any cancellation for paid consultation and refund of fee WILL NOT BE ENTERTAINED. But, under sufficient reason and reasonable consideration, you may opt for a change of time slot or transfer the paid consultation to another beneficiary (as in a real person).

Energy Exchange (Fee):

(Ringgit Malaysia) RM 330.00 (90 minutes)
(Ringgit Malaysia) RM 440.00 (120 minutes)

"I highly recommend attending and benefiting from Tristen Churn’s Crystal Meditation sessions. I have personally experienced and greatly benefited from two divinely blessed sessions with Tristen. Each session brought me such profound insights into deep rooted problems and fears, which have affected my daily life and limited my living out my true potential. I am so grateful for Tristen’s channeling the crystals blessings that have helped me so much in healing and overcoming these often deeply hurtful hurdles. As I have been blessed and helped, this is what I wish for others to experience by attending and participating in a session with Tristen -- whose sessions are also blessed with such compassion, angelic-crystalline light, smiles and laughter, and love for humanity."

~ Jennifer Mourin, Artist, Penang ~

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